This Week at QED: April 13th - April 19th
Monday, April 13th: Myq Kaplan & Friends - 8pm Once a month, comedian/brainiac Myq Kaplan hosts a show with some of his favorite people. And once a month, he blows us away. This month features the human beatbox Shockwave, and comedians Aparna Nancherla (Conan), Amber Nelson (Comedy Central) Nick Vatterott (Fallon). Tuesday, April 14th: Hip Hop Debate - 8pm Prepare for the nerdiest rap battle you've ever seen. Contestants test their rap/improv skills against one another, and the winner of each round is determined by the level of applause. So even if you're not ready for the stage, just come out to make some noise and enjoy...
This Week at QED: April 6th - April 12th
You didn't think this week was going to be boring, did you? Monday, April 6th: All Mixed Up Comedy - 8pm Can't choose between improv, stand-up, or sketch? Well good, because you don't have to! Hosts Lauren Krass and Derek Humphrey bring improv, sketch, and of course stand-up with them to the stage. Featuring: Looseleaf, Justy Dodge (AXS TV), Derek Humphrey, Aaron Kominos-Smith (Comedy Central) and musical comedy from headliner Squirm and Germ! Tuesday, April 7th: Duo Show - 8pm The only thing better than one stand-up is (you guessed it) TWO stand-ups AT once. Come meet the modern-day...
Nominated for Best of Astoria!
Today QED: A Place to Show & Tell was nominated as "Best Newcomer" and "Best Place to Experience the Arts" in We Heart Astoria's annual "Best of" awards for Astoria, Queens! This week at QED we prove it by debuting a new art installation by Joseph Meloy, Shakespeare's The Tempest, two solo shows by Anna Drezen & Joanna Shaw Flamm, a lecture/class on making stone tools for the zombiepocalypse taught by an African archeologist, and, of course, stand up comedy. Yeah, I'd say we're THE place to experience the arts in Astoria!
This Week at QED: March 23rd - March 29th
Monday, March 23rd: Saw Her Stand Up There - 8pm Heeello ladies! This monthly stand-up special only features comedians with two X Chromosomes. Hosted by Andrea Shapiro and sponsored by Raising Astoria! Tuesday, March 24th: No You Tell It! Showcase Show - 7pm The storytelling workshop taught by Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons is coming to a close, and the students want to show you what they’ve learned. Each student gets up on stage to tell someone else's story, using devices that they’ve learned and cultivated throughout the class. The next round of No You Tell It! has yet to be announced, so...
This Week at QED: March 16th - March 22nd
HIYA, SPRING! Monday, March 16th: The Ted Alexandro Show- 8pm Astoria favorite and co-creater of the hit web series "Teachers Lounge" is back for his monthly installment. Monday night will feature: Lizz Winstead, Elsa Waithe, Trey Galyon and musician/playwright Brian Fleming. Good to have you back, Ted. Tuesday, March 17th: St. Paddy's Day Show - 9pm You didn't think we'd leave you hanging for St. Patricks Day, did you? To celebrate the luckiest/drunkest day of the year, we present you with 7 comedians for 7 dollars! Brian McGuinness hosts: Kevin McCaffrey, Dan Enfield, Brendan Fitzgibbons, Ken Schultz, and more TBA. Wednesday, March 18th: The Duo Show...
Get to Know the Hosts: You Deserve It! Edition
Ariel Elias and Liz Magee host You Deserve It! this Saturday (3/14) at 7PM. Only $5! Ariel answers a few questions about how she met Liz and what makes their show standout. How did you two meet? Technically, the first time we met was at a show in New Orleans where I was living and Liz was visiting, but I don't count it because I don't remember it. Liz insists it happened, though. Our actual friendship began at an open mic in August. I had just moved to New York, and Liz came up to me after to ask...
This Week at QED: March 9th - March 15th
Monday, March 9th: What’s Up, Jack? - 8pm This weeks’ Monday Night solo show follows Anthony Giorgio - a dance choreographer/pre-school teacher - through the pages of his teenage diary as he navigates high school and hormones to become the sparkling fella he is today. Tuesday, March 10th: New Release Day - 8pm Even pros need their practice. This Tuesday, Christian Finnegan recruits his tv-sanctioned friends to work on their new material on stage. This month features: Ophira Eisenberg (NPR's "Ask Me Another", author of SCREW EVERYONE) Tom Shillue (Comedy Central, The Daily Show) and Subhah Agarwal (PBS's "Modern...
The Ides Have It!
There's no need to "beware" the ides of March this year - because we're giving away "The Shakespeare Book" and a night of drink specials to observe the most ominous day in history! In addition to the book, the winner will receive one free drink and 1/2 off all other drinks during the March 26th performance of The Tempest! Here's how it works: Every day, we'll post a question pertaining to Greek Mythology, Ancient Greece, or Shakespeare on Facebook and Twitter. Send your answers to and for each correct answer you submit, you'll be entered in the drawing for the Ides...
This Week at QED: March 2nd - March 8th
So far, March is living up to it's name and coming in like a lion. A really big, mean, hangry lion. Duck into our doors for safety. Monday, March 2nd: Frank Conniff's Cartoon Dump - 8PM It's dark, it's different, and it may be dumpy, but it's hilarious. TV's Frank Conniff (TV's Frank on Mystery Science Theater 3000) is back for his monthly Monday night shenanigans! This time, he brings: Hari Kondobalu, Kevin Avery, Carolina Hildago, and Livia Scott. Tuesday, March 3rd: Plan B Open Mic - 7PM Due to some schedule adjustments, we're having a last-minute open mic! Crazy gals Kambri...
This Week at QED: February 23rd - March 1st
Let's wrap up this wretched February weather together! Monday, February 23rd: Saw Her Stand Up There - 8pm It’s Ladies Night! This monthly stand-up show features a cast of all female players. Host Andrea Shaprio (from the weekly Bunk Bed Hour open mic) recruited some of her all-star friends to visit this month, including: Caitlin Brodnick (Glamour, The Moth) Giulia Rozzi (MTV, Chelsea Lately), Poppi Kamer (VH1, E!), Jessica Delfino (“What Would Jesus Buy?”, CNN). Sponsored by Raising Astoria! Tuesday, February 24th: FastTrack - 7pm It’s an open mic, it’s storytelling, it’s standup - and its all happening on a...