Hosted by Matt Storrs, "How Was It?" is a storytelling show on the first and third Saturday afternoons at QED in Astoria. We gather the best storytellers in NYC to share their most engaging, fascinating, hilarious and unforgettable stories. We hope to see you every 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 5pm!
Jan 4:
Ginou Giles
Adam Madalev
Aditya Mayya
Ronna Levy
Serena Norr
Adam Grundfast
Adam Strauss
Eric Vetter
Jan 18:
Hunter Gardner
Sherri Rosen
Nick Hornedo
Stuart Ginsberg
Lucas Connally
William Mullin
Saachin Srinivasn
Jen Bijanki
*Lineups subject to change.
For booking inquiries, please visit this form.
NOTE: Click here to read COVID policy. To purchase tickets you will need to affirm that you have read and agree to the QED policy.