
  • Artist Spotlight - Louie Pearlman

              On any given night at QED, you’ll likely find people from all walks of life - rambunctious comedians, pensive musicians, or brainiac historians. If you stroll in on a Wednesday morning however, you’ll find the polar opposite. In fact, these little people can hardly walk at all.


              Louie, the leader of the Sing-A-Long, is a chipper young man with the charisma of a person who just came off a stint in a Broadway production. Armed with his ukulele and years on a musical improv troupe, Pearlman is the ideal person to lead this series. He is appropriate and kind, but his songs are loaded with wit and pop-culture references. He’s the perfect blend of Krusty the Clown, Freddy Spaghetti, and someone you’d actually want to hang out with. His current gig with the Story Pirates organization no doubt adds to his knack for teaching children to express themselves. 

              At 10:30AM every Wednesday, QED is host to the Kids Sing-A-Long, a half hour of singing, snacks, and giggling. In spite of the fact that these kids are in a space designed for adults, they always have a howling good time - all thanks to Louie. 

              Pearlman kicks off each session with the dangerously catchy “Time to Sing Songs at QED” song, and personalizes a verse for every child in the room. It engages the kids verbally, as they call out suggestions, and physically, as they play along with instruments found in his bag of tricks. It’s not childish, it’s playful, and thats probably why the parents and guardians seem to be having just as much fun as their babies. After the first session, one parent approached owner Kambri Crews, relieved that the sing-a-long was "easy and not annoying" compared to his other experiences. Louie recognizes the age range in his audience members, and often adds mashed-up pop songs to his setlist (lyrics to “Shake it Off” becomes “shake it like a polaroid picture”) to switch up the rhythm and energy level. 

             You’ll leave feeling warm from this bonding experience, and might even be tempted to write your own, adult version of the “Fun at QED” song - in fact, we encourage you to - just as long as it’s out of the earshot of your little one.

    Stay tuned for shows featuring Louie Pearlman on facebook and twitter!
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